Who let the dogs out?

Woof Woof ! No escape A contrast to the normal wooden style gates.Steel framed gates using recycled wood
Ahoy there!

Ok for you Ducky? Now a large walk in shower and a comfortable bath, not to mention the updated tiles, quiet a splash! Sometimes our bathrooms are fine except they are not necessarily right for our requirements. This was the case for these customers as previously they had a huge spa bath, taking forever to fill […]
Stairway to heaven

“You will never get to heaven if you break my heart” We all enjoy a pretty garden so why not add to the bigger picture. This customer already had a beautiful terrace fence but needed a garden gate. So using the same style you can make an attractive feature rather than just a practical use.
Anywhere you hang your hat

Classy Cloaks Even storage can look classy and great when you can find that lost coat, gloves or pair of shoes. A Hat trick ! This recent project came about by a storage issue at the doorway. Looking at areas such as hallways it is surprising what can be achieved by sectioning off an area […]